NAC 学生寮 サンヒルズ加茂野

中日本自動車短大学生寮 サンヒルズ加茂野
Sunhills Kamono,
Student dorm for NAC

サンヒルズ加茂野 概要/Room overview

     家賃 22,000円/月 (+管理費4,000円)

           Monthly fee: 22,000 yen (and 4,000 yen for maintenance fee)

Rooms in Sunhills Kamono are furnished with electronic equipment (Refrigerator, washing machine and lights), and curtains. This will ease your preparation for your new life in Japan! All the rooms are with a large closet. Our dormitory building is about 10 minites walk from the nearest station (Kamono statuion), 15 min from large shoping center "Okuwa", and 8 min from Drug store "Health bank".

駐車場(バイクは無料)/Parking space (free for motor bike) 2,000円/台
敷金(contract commission) 30,000円
入寮契約時のお支払いは、敷金プラス一月分で60,000円となります。/You will be charged 60,000 yen (contract commission+ advance payment for one month) at the time of contract.
間取図・写真/Room plan and pictures

ご挨拶/Message from land lady

29年度入学予定の皆さま、寮のすぐ近くのコインランドリーに常駐しておりますのでご見学、お問い合わせの際は 0574-26-1180にお電話ください。
Thank you for visiting our website of Sunhills Kamono, a dormitory for NAC students!
We are accomodating NAC students from various countries, including Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Thailand, and Nepal. Please feel free to contact us if you have any inquiry. Our staff usually stays at nearby coin laundry "Kamono" 0574-26-1180.
担当 高井登喜子/Mrs. Tokiko Takai, land lady


管理会社:栄進不動産(株) 営繕部
〒505-0054 岐阜県美濃加茂市加茂野町加茂野436−2
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